l 基本信息
李晶晶,博士,特任教授,博士生导师,2021年入选中国地质大学“百人计划“。2018年获得美国辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati)地理学博士学位。2018年8月-2021年7月于美国德雷塞尔大学(Drexel University)从事博士后研究工作。主要从事建成环境与健康行为关系的相关研究。基于空间尺度效应、地理情境不确定性问题、以及居住自选择偏差等角度,发展并运用空间分析和统计学模型探索建成环境测度及其与健康行为的关系等前沿科学问题。研究成果为进一步理解建成环境与健康行为的关系提供新的视角,为解决可变面状单元问题、地理情境不确定性问题、及居住自选择偏差提供崭新的思路,并为政府如何改善建成环境以促进健康行为提供指导。相关研究成果均以第一作者身份公开发表在国际地理学重要期刊上,包括《Health & Place》 (SSCI,IF:4.078)、《Journal of Transport Geography》 (SSCI,IF:4.986)、《Applied Geography》 (SSCI,IF:4.24)、《Professional Geographer》 (SSCI,IF:2.383)、《Journal of Urban Health》 (SCIE,IF:3.671)。另有合作学术论文多篇,并获邀担任多个国际学术期刊的审稿人。欢迎土地资源管理、地理学、统计学等相关专业的同学加入我的研究团队。
l 联系方式
Email: lijingjing@cug.edu.cn
中国地质大学(武汉)| 公共管理学院 | 土地资源管理系
l 教育经历
l 科研项目
1. 中国地质大学“百人计划”支持项目,2021/10-2026/10,在研,主持
2. 美国国家卫生院科研项目(R01),Characterizing health impacts of built environment features using complex data (PI: Brisa N. Sánchez, PhD, Drexel University),2017/02-2022/01,已结题,参与。
l 研究成果
1. Li, J., Auchincloss, A. H., Hirsch, J. A., Melly, S. J., Moore, K. A., Peterson, A., & Sánchez, B. N. (2022). Exploring the spatial scale effects of built environments on transport walking: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Health & place, 73, 102722.
2. Li, J., Auchincloss, A., Yang, Y., Rodriguez, D., Sanchez, B. (2020). Neighborhood characteristics and transport walking: Exploring multiple pathways of influence using a structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Transport Geography, 85, 102703.
3. Li, J., Kim, C. (2020). Exploring relationships of grocery shopping patterns and healthy food accessibility in residential neighborhoods and activity space. Applied Geography, 116. 102169.
4. Li, J., Auchincloss, A. H., Rodriguez, D. A., Moore, K. A., Roux, A. V. D., & Sánchez, B. N. (2020). Determinants of Residential Preferences Related to Built and Social Environments and Concordance between Neighborhood Characteristics and Preferences. Journal of Urban Health, 97(1), 62-77.
5. Li, J., Kim, C., Sang, S. (2018). Exploring impacts of land use characteristics in residential neighborhood and activity space on non-work travel behaviors. Journal of Transport Geography, 70, 141-147.
6. Li, J., Kim, C. (2018). Measuring Individuals' Spatial Access to Healthy Foods by Incorporating Mobility, Time, and Mode: Activity Space Measures. The Professional Geographer, 70(2): 198-208.
7. Li, J., Oyana, T., Mukwaya, P. (2016). An examination of historical and future land use changes in Uganda using change detection methods and agent-based modelling. African Geographical Review, 35(3), 247-271.
8. Auchincloss, A. H., Niamatullah, S., Adams, M., Melly, S. J., Li, J., & Lazo, M. (2022). Alcohol outlets and alcohol consumption in changing environments: prevalence and changes over time. Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy, 17(1), 1-12.
9. Auchincloss, A. H., Li, J., Moore, K. A., Franco, M., Mujahid, M. S., & Moore, L. V. (2021). Are neighborhood restaurants related to frequency of restaurant meals and dietary quality?: Prevalence and changes over time in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. Public Health Nutrition, 1-29.
10. Cuadros, D. F., Li, J., Musuka, G., & Awad, S. F. (2021). Spatial epidemiology of diabetes: Methods and insights. World Journal of Diabetes, 12(7), 1042.
11. Hernandez, A., Branscum, A. J., Li, J., MacKinnon, N. J., Hincapie, A. L., & Cuadros, D. F. (2020). Epidemiological and geospatial profile of the prescription opioid crisis in Ohio, United States. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-10.
12. Cuadros, D.F., Li, J., Mukandavire, Z., Musuka, G.N., Branscum, A.J., Sartorius, B., Mugurungi, O. and Tanser, F. (2019). Towards UNAIDS Fast-Track goals: targeting priority geographic areas for HIV prevention and care in Zimbabwe. Aids, 33(2), 305-314.
13. Cuadros, D., Li, J., Branscum, A., Akullian, A., Jia, P., Mziray, E., Tanser, F. (2017). Mapping the spatial variability of HIV infection in Sub-Saharan Africa: Effective information for localized HIV prevention and control. Scientific Reports, 7(1): 9093. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-09464-y.